energy saving window film minneapolis

Conserve Energy & Costs with Window Film

Heat Reduction & Energy Saving Window Film in Minneapolis

These days, energy conservation is on everyone’s mind. Natural resources are dwindling quickly and energy costs are steadily rising, making energy efficiency more important than ever.

Installing energy saving window film for your Minneapolis property is an investment that pays off in more ways than one. Energy efficient window films reduce solar heat gain during the summer and improve HVAC efficiency, resulting in lower utility costs and increased comfort.

Low cost and low maintenance, energy efficient window film is the perfect solution for conserving energy in homes, offices, schools, hotels, airports, and more.

energy efficient window film minneapolis

Window Film: A Cost-Friendly Alternative to Replacement Windows

When utility costs are abnormally high, single pane windows are often the culprit to blame. Heat is easily lost and gained through thin, porous layers of glass. Ultimately, this results in constant temperature fluctuations, longer HVAC run times, and greater costs for the property owner. Unfortunately, double and triple pane replacement windows are expensive and are not always a viable option if multiple windows need to be addressed.

Energy saving and heat reduction window films offer Minneapolis property owners a cost-friendly alternative to window replacement. Equally as effective and far more affordable, window films provide the insulating boost needed to control heat transfer, without requiring removal or replacement of the glass. With an average ROI of three years or less, they’re a smart investment for homes and buildings of all types.

heat reduction window film minneapolis

More Light, Less Heat

Nothing detracts more from a room than too much heat. When you’re hot and uncomfortable, it’s hard to stay focused and enjoy the company of those around you. At the same time, closing the blinds forces you to lose the natural light you enjoy. Window film is the perfect solution for this all too common predicament that helps control heat without reducing natural light. You’ll preserve the ambiance and beauty of the room and enjoy a cooler, more energy efficient space.

By installing energy saving window tint, you can:

  • Reduce your reliance on artificial light sources
  • Prevent your home or building from absorbing too much heat
  • Save 30% or more on energy expenses
  • Improve the efficiency and lifespan of HVAC equipment
minneapolis solar control window film

Control Costs, Temperatures & Glare

Your monthly utility bill may not seem like much, but when you add up the costs over the year, you end up with quite a large figure. Over the course of several years, you may spend thousands of dollars just for energy in an effort to keep your home or building cool. By investing in energy saving window film for your Minneapolis property, you could eliminate nearly one third of this expense and save a tremendous amount of money.

Energy saving window film is the perfect all-in-one solution for controlling heat, costs, and glare. There’s no construction involved and the cost to invest is minimal. In just three years, you could experience a full ROI and get your money back. Then, you’ll enjoy continued savings every year after for up to ten years time.

window tinting minneapolis

Take the Next Steps

Invest in a brighter tomorrow with energy-saving window film. Contact Window Film Minneapolis today to get a quote for your project or learn more about the benefits of window film for commercial and residential buildings in the Minneapolis area.